Middle Fork Sustainable Trails Plan Public Input
The National Sustainable Trails Strategy directs the Forest Service to plan trail system improvements using “a comprehensive trails plan” using a “community-driven and locally sustainable model.”
This current trails planning effort is part of the Middle Fork District and community response to that requirement. The Plan will be a blueprint of community-proposed and vetted trails projects and will be a living document. A process for updating the plan will be created and used to keep the plan flexible over time.
Your input is important! There are many ways to participate.
Middle Fork Willamette Trails questionnaire
The Middle Fork Trails Plan will be built around community input and ideas. Learn about the process and fill out the trails questionnaire before February 1, 2019.
Click Here to fill-out the questionnaire
Technical Committees - Volunteers Needed
Technical committees volunteers will:
• Ground-truth and flag and/or GPS proposed project dimensions
•Filter projects using land use laws, natural resource information, trail design requirements, geographical design needs and much more
•Create completed project proposals: Map, Purpose and Need statement and project design criteria
•A half-day training will be required!
Click Here to fill out the technical committee form to find your interest area and sign up!